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Personelige ting
- Ryger: Ikke Ryger
- Sex første gang: 16 år
- Intimbaberet: Trimmet
Facts om mig
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Lad mig præsentere mig selv
I have a good sense of humor I can take things to heart. I consider myself as a person who values friendships. I can be stubborn and unusually quiet at times. I have been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve and that I get attached to those whom I really connect with. I’m quite the extravert yet can be at times an intravert. I like to make people laugh and get them to feel comfortable around me.
Her bor jeg
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I have a good sense of humor I can take things to heart. I consider myself as a person who values friendships. I can be stubborn and unusually quiet at times. I have been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve and that I get attached to those whom I really connect with. I’m quite the extravert yet can be at times an intravert. I like to make people laugh and get them to feel comfortable around me.
- Sexualitet : Hetro
- Ryger: Ikke Ryger
- Sex første gang: 16 år